How you can integrate your genes into your natural care

How well does your detoxification system work? Why it is hard to manage your weight? Why do you feel tired all the time? Why is it hard to manage the stress for you? How is the biochemistry of your brain? How your diet should be? Are you prone to inflammation? Are you under risk of significant health problems? Why medications don’t help you to solve your health problem? You may have several more questions in your mind related to your health and your genes may help to find the correct answers.

Our DNA is the software of who we are and how our body functions. In the past, we used to believe our genes were our fate, and there was nothing we could do about it. With the science of epigenetics, now we know it is possible to manage our genes. Knowing your genes helps your doctor to create the foundation of individualized approach to your health and well-being.

Various biotechnology companies such as 23andMe, Ancestry, and more offer affordable genetic tests without needing a doctor’s referral. If you wish to add integrative genomics into your care, Dr. Asli uses your raw genetic data to check your genes and SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism). These are providing significant information about your present and future health and directs your doctor to create a personalized care.

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